I had a fantastic week working with the brilliant Jessica Lange on our third project together, WILD OATS, a new feature co-satrring Shirley MacLaine.  It is to be directed by Andy Tenant  and is a hysterically funny female buddy movie that takes place in the Canary Islands.  Jessica sings a Gershwin tune in a bar, to a special someone. It’s sexy and delicious.

My new summer workshops are coming up fast and I’m booking them now!

THE  Musical Theatre Workshop :  “From Audition through Opening Night” begins June 23  and ends  July 21st. 

This is  a  Five Week Preparatory for Starring on Broadway with INDUSTRY SHOWCASE OF SCENES AND SONGS

Monday Nights 7-10 PM.. Only two slots are left… Please email at


THE VOICE GYM – Five New Songs for your Book in Five Weeks has been rescheduled !

It begins June 25- July 30th  – Wednesday Nights  from 7-10 PM.    

Looking forward and hope to see you!!