In the meantime, I’m also looking forward to scheduled dates for Los Angeles for June and July:

1. MUSICAL THEATRE GYM: GET YOUR BOOK TOGETHER- Thursday Nights- Starts June 7 – 7- 10 PM Five New Songs in Five Weeks – Mastered  Technically, Emotionally and Presentationally!

2. THE Musical Theatre workshop with Industry Showcase – Monday Nights – beginning June 4th – 7-10 PM “From Audition through Opening Night”  –  A Nine week Preparatory for Starring on Broadway                                                            with Industry Showcase of Scenes and Songs… Featuring Casting Directors, Agents and Managers

3. POP MUSIC INTENSIVE – Saturday JUNE 2nd – 12- 4 pm – Exploring Contemporary Music Styles for Film, Television and Musical Theatre.

For more info, please call 818 506 5526 or email Bahbeeg@aol.com
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